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Showing posts from November, 2017

How newbies can learn to program trance arpeggios

 Teaching newbies how to program trance arpeggios         I know when you just start producing trance  one of the first things you want to be able to make is a trance arpeggio.  We all been there in the clubs and heard that hands in the air trance music that just made us go crazy.         And we wanted to make our own arps.  Well i posted a short tutorial on how a newbie with no music theory background could learn how to make arpeggios and in the process could learn some theory you could use in the future ,and with practice make your own arpeggios. So watch my tutorial on youtube after you watch it post some of your video responses on youtube or post your reply below in the comment section i want to know you learned something from it and feel  free to ask me any questions you may have. So happy programming

Getting that human feel sound in your music starts with velocity

The human feel We all know the importance of sounding real in our music when we use soft synths. SoI just posted a video on my bertsbeats youtube which demonstrates the use of velocity to get that human feel into your music. The video starts off with a trance  pad,then i then go into percussion ,with adding velocity to a high hat and the use of shuffle and swing and i end the video with showing who the importance of adding velocity to a drum fill.  So if you need to make your tunes come alive look no further than velocity.