When your creativity leaves you cold and dry follow these edm tips to get the creativity juice flowing again
When your Creativity leaves you high and dry
follow these 5 Edm tips below to spark your creativity juice!
After all we are all human.It happens to the best of us.
There will be days ,that we sit down in our studio,put on our monitors.And we cant think of what to write!
We all of the sudden don’t know where to start.
None of our notes flow,for some bizarre reason you cant find the right keys to a melody.
You’ve written millions of times.
Writers block is what it is called
I for one do not believe in writers block. I feel its a form of lack of focus. A lack of concentration. There are ways to overcome it .So lets get started.
#1 The Sounds of Silence
· The number one thing to do is make sure you create as much silence you possibly can in your studio. Make sure theres no outside noise coming in to the studio.
·Also make sure to turn off all of your devices,that includes your cell phone,your tablet,your laptop,your smart tv,your ipad, turn off your home phone and so forth. Also turn down the volume on the phone so if someone leaves you a voicemail on this phone you wont hear the voice of that person.
You do not want to be distracted by any means possible.
#2 Do the unexpected
Like I mentioned earlier we are human. So we tend to do repetitive things . Like starting the same song with the same arrangement the same structure so to speak.
Scrap it don’t do it by any means.Im not one who makes cookie cutter type tracks where I do this for 8 bars then I add this then at bar 32 I have to always do this. No that is setting yourself up for failure.
I do not even use a structure when I produce and compose edm tracks. So what you want to do is get out of that same old rut how you always start the track with just the sub kick for 8 bars,then at the end of bar 16 you layer it with a more high pitched kick drum for another 8 bars then at bar 25 is when you always have a short break where you always have a a cymbals clash and then some high hat section then at bar 33 you gradually bring in the first melody.
Does this sound like you? You know who you are if this is you raise your hand stand up and state your name and tell me why are you here at alcohol anonymous. No seriously if this is you what you are doing wrong is your showing to the world you have no creativity.
Why does it appear you have no creativity because you are producing with templates and sound too amateurish so if this is you please stop now. Instead do this.
When you least expect it
When you do the unexpected in your track (is when you really inject tension into your track and it really comes alive let me tell you. Instead of following the same formula and template for each track and just changing the instrumentation try doing something unexpected like.
· start the track with your pre-chorus then gradually work your way to the intro
· start your track with just some strings and fx playing the middle 8th chord progression then gradually bring in the rest of your song.
· Maybe start your track with just a 2 note melody teasing the listener of what is to come with your more complex and advanced melody when the song comes in.
· You can also start your track with some vocals on top of some percussion stabs then
· Why not start your track with the 3rd melody and the 4th melody intertwining in and out one another layered with some effects and a kick drum(remember these are the 3rd and 4th melodies that would normally come into the song later but you write the song backwards and start with the 3rd and 4th melodies)
Then as soon as you get to a crescendo you bring the song down to just a little bit of percussion and your still playing the 3rd and 4th melodies but ,gradually the main riff starts slowly gaining in volume weaving in and out until its at its peak when it reaches it peak then all the rest of the sounds of the track come roaring in with huge sound and all of the sudden everyone has there hands in the air.
So I hope you get the point by doing things unexpected if you still need some help just do a search of edm tracks or techno tracks and listen to them and notice how each one are different.
Its when you do something different and unique is when your music actually sounds great and gels. If everyone just followed the rules and had the same old structure every song you heard on the radio and every sound you heard in the night clubs or underground club would be the same song.
Who would want to dance to the same song each night over and over again song after song each sond sounds the same same synth same structure same drums that would be boring.
So make sure when you produce you aim to be different and have your own sound your own arrangment your own genre ,your own unique sound .You want to brand your sound so when people hear your signature sound they know its you but,each track you make is different and uniquely sounding of each of your other previous tracks so that what you should aim for to be different!
#3 Spice things up with Seventh chords
When you add exotic chords to your melodies it can really create tension and you know from reading my blog posts how im a fan of music theory.Well if your melodies are lacking think about taking out a chord or two and replace it with a seventh chord.
#4 Mix in some minor chords
Try and stay away from only producing in major keys . The truth is when you add some minor chords into your chord progression it creates tension. I know I keep talking about tension. I keep repeating it because it really is so useful do give it a try youll be glad you did .
The fact is if you stay in all major your track will sound too happy and boring.
It is the exact feeling of when you go from happy to sad or sad to happy that really resonates your melody and really brings new life into them. Give it a try yourself find your favorite key you like to produce in and create your own progression with a mix of minor and major key.
#5 Start the melody on something else than the tonic
A lot of newbies make the mistake of using the same old boring chord progression that always starts with the tonic.
The usual i iv v or 1-4-5 chord progression that sound great but if used too much can sound very boring and predictable so .
Spice things up by starting your melody on something other than the tonic of your key .Maybe start it on the fourth or the sixth degree . Then as soon as the track is starting to come alive then have some unexpected drop or breakdown then,make sure for the reprise and build you make sure your anthem or main riff is playing the tonic then.
#6 Try some new samples in your mix
as this last tip may seem silly at first but ,you will be surprised as to how adding new sounds to your arsenal can really get your creativity and your inspiration really going as soon as you hear some new samples in your mix give it a try.
#6 Try some new samples in your mix
Share some of your tips in the comments section
* I will be adding more to this blog post when I can think of more to add to it but,you get the idea. If anyone would like to add what you do when your creativity leaves you cold and dry just leave any tips you have in the comments section.
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