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Producing your first edm track as a newbie

We were all new once 

We were all newbies once .We all started from scratch from nothing.But those that still produce today those that kept at it,we continued to preserve  ,to get better and make our own style of sound and have our own way of making edm. We have our own brand so to speak of. When people hear our music they know instantly that is so and so that is that other guy or gal.

So when your first starting out it can be tricky to navigate the whole edm landscape of all the different genres ,all the terminology.  I get it it is easy to get lost in the shuffle between knowing what a side chain is between a side stick or the difference between contrast and contrary.  That's  why I am here to help you. I creates this edm blog tutorial just for you to help you along your way.
Look at the blogs archive on some of my past blog posts on how to program certain sounds leads and melodies or main riffs.
Like I said earlier we were all new once . So in this post I want to focus on a key mistake to avoid. I see  a lot of newbies making this mistake. What mistake am I talking about its called the 2 or 4 bar looped melody I been seeing way too much.

Yes the dreaded 2 or 4 bar melody.  What happens is you'll be at a underground club or you'll hear a song on the radio or hear a song in a film in a scene wherever the point where you heard it is not important.  The most important thing to remember is musicians do not write songs in 2 bars.
What happened was  while you heard the song you heard and while it is prevalent in your head and you keep humming the beat to it . What you do not realize is you are humming the motif or I chord or the question to the answer. That should not be considered the whole song.

Stop it newbies

This is what newbies need to stop doing
So what you want to do instead is program an 8 ,16 or 32 or 64 bar loop or melody that evolves over time.
Quick story about me I thought when I first started producing that my stuff was great too way back in the day . Until I heard other people's stuff and heard some famous producers stuff I was blown away as to how they did it. And getting trashed on the trance forums was not that much fun either.
So I brushed up on my music theory and started producing more smarter instead of looping a 2 bar loop my stuff was  sounding ten times better.

If you have some time now I can show you 2 simple methods you can do now  to bring your music to life and get people humming your tune.
What's the method it's called the question and the answer and abac chord progression.
In music mostly guitarists  or drummers you'll notice at a concert they do it all the time.
Basically one person taps out a rhythm at beginning of phrase then the other person in band mimics it and answers it with his or her own answer to the original question.
So you may have  1 2 3 4  then the answer is   4   3   2  1
So I created an example watch here in the example  i created a  smaller question and answer for the video it is short i do plan to make the longer video to show you soon.

Question and the answer

Do not stop there the question and the answer will not be complete unless you have a contrasting chord progression.
That's why I mentioned abac previously earlier. So to make your memorable first edm track.
A = the tonic triad
B is contrasting
Then back to a
Then c a totally brand new pattern and tone as you shifted þhe notes a bit.
Most songs are like abac
So make sure to add that to your productions then you can start sounding like a professional.
Id love to hear your stuff post them in comments seciton.


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